Thursday, October 1, 2009

Expect Delays

Site Halted Due To Lack Of My Interest And Record Purchasing
Remember, This Is All For You


J said...

I absolutely love your site and music selection! And the pictures that go along with the mp3s add an extra dimension to it. 100% gold. Please keep it up. I Will continue to check it out regularly in hope for updates.

John, Stockholm

Diego said...

where the trax at bro?

the saucer people said...

There are very few music blogs I spend over an hour at and I am happy to say this is one of those times; an absolute sublime selection of strange and beautiful music..everything from Chrome to Zeus to Moebius to lost Paul McCartney tracks to Alien Sex Fiend to Ruts DC...its like a mirror image of my collection with a load of new tracks I have never heard.
Its hard to believe there was so little commentary after all these incredible posts but sadly thats become the 'snatch & grab' approach to music blogs as though they are some kinda anonymous jukebox where they only comments are requests for reposts!
I think the future is Dream Chimmney type blogs where you get a few like-minded contributors and the very least you get feedback from them! (which strangely encourages other people to comment) also it means no single person is taking the load and if you feel like taking a few months off, then it doesn't grind to a hault and the beauty of it is you can still run your own blog and use the collective blog as a window into your universe...anyway, thats what I am in the process of setting up and judging from your taste, I think you would fit in perfectly. There is no pressure, even a single post a year is cool..its more quality over quantity....jackamo23ATgmailcom...

Anonymous said...

yo post more shit fucker. love bais

Jay said...

Your selections are exceptional, thank you for sharing.